From The Author:

So, what’s in the book and what can you expect? It starts off introducing the prophets, their life, experiences and their messages. It is written in an interactive style that through your imagination allows you to experience what they have and by a series of questions brings their world into yours. You get a first-hand view. For example, how would you respond to being abandoned, found by a king's daughter and raised as royalty or what if you were eaten by a big fish only to be spit out on the beach, how would you feel? Would you be calm, cool and collective standing before hungry lions with no fear or would you stand up for what you believed in even if you knew, if you did, you would be thrown in a furnace to be burned alive? What would you do?

Return to Me; God's Heart Cry then turns to our beginning and our reconciliation. It takes us back to the very beginning where it all started. It shows us how our disconnect from God entered the world and puts you in the garden for you to be the judge of the events. It allows you to experience the events of the past so you can come forward with a fresh and renewed prospective on the future. You then see how God provided the reconciliation necessary by sending His own Son. Jesus, God's Son, lived a perfect life, died on a cross to bear the penalty for our wrong choices, who rose from the dead on the third day and who is now seated at the right hand of the Father.

It is through Him and only Him do we have reconciliation with God. Next, Return to Me; God's Heart Cry turns inward to look at our restoration by examining the physical things in our life like our house, clothes, and time. It helps you do an inventory on the physical side of your life. What does your house look like? Are there any idols in your house? How are you dressed? What are you doing with your time? Is there anything you need to get rid of or change?

The next part of the restoration is our heart and conscience. This is the tricky part. It is in our heart and in our conscience that we hold all of those experiences that have made each of us unique. It is in those parts that we have built our walls and forts that we think protect us from being hurt, but it is in those places we hide from God and keep Him out.

Return to Me; God’s Heart Cry helps identify those areas where we have shut God out and helps walk us through how to open those doors previously shut. This is not an easy process and doesn’t happen overnight, but it is an attainable one. Lastly, the conclusion pulls it all together. It helps you confirm where you stand. It gives you a sneak preview of what your thoughts can look like and what your actions can mean to others. Mostly and more importantly, it can show you how to intensify and transform your relationship with God. Return to Me; hear God’s Heart Cry for each of us.

Reviews From Our Readers:

Book Review by Diane, Book Club Facilitator, First Baptist Church, Altoona, Florida:

Style of Writing: Honest Wonderfully personal & descriptive, almost childlike it’s so simple

Use of Scripture: Used in all points made. The Author has a solid understanding of how God’s written word affects the lives of all people

Method – Questions: The Authors used probing questions that are well placed which require self-examination over and over again. The reader cannot avoid looking at themselves. The Author conveys a good explanation of free will and gives a beautiful map on how to be saved. The Author gives an overall good expression of “returning to God” and what that might look like today. My best wishes for continued service to Him in whatever capacity He chooses.

This book is a clear and straight forward call to God.  It is one that touches your heart as well as speaking to your better judgement.  I recommend “Return to Me: God’s Heart Cry” to anyone at any decision point in life!”


Pastor Joel C. Hunter, Senior Pastor

Northland, A Church Distributed


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